"Who would've thought such a slight tilt in our earthly axis could make such a big difference in our lives? The big wheel keeps on turning and here we are again,
looking in the sweet face of darkness.
'Now the day is over, night is drawing nigh,
Shadows of the evening, steal across the sky.'
A KBHR caution to all our loyal listeners: you know tonight marks the end of our collective midsummer night's dream, so get those pupils ready to dilate, because for the first time in a long time, our constant companion, old Sol, is about to go on a quickie vacation, a short dip beneath the horizon, a junket to whichever Club Med accommodates medium-sized stars. While he's gone, I want you to be alert, be careful, and please, please, please, three times please,
turn on your headlights."
~Chris in the Morning, Northern Exposure
Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round, Round and Round, Round and Round...
So I wanted to give you all a peek into life as we know it.

This is our ride to school in the frigid cold mornings now. That is of course, if the bus starts:) No more do I bundle up like I'm going on the next arctic expedition then set out for a 3/4 mile trek to the other end of the village. Nope, now I fire up and unplug the Magic School Bus, let the windows defrost, load my neighbors/fellow teachers up and cruise down the 6 lane interstate to school. I drop them off. Connie and I climb back aboard and pick up the kiddos. Speaking of picking up the kiddos...
Smells Like Home....Today round about our 4th or 5th stop the kids started complaining about the distinct scent of rotten eggs wafting about the bus. I couldn't help but agree, choking on the fumes reminded me of my hometown and our beloved paper mill, exact same smell. Connie concurred adding that her eyes were actually watering. By that point the kids were coughing, gagging and squirming around in their seats, Joe had even managed to pull his coat 1/2 way over his head in an attempt to filter the nasty sulfur stench. In the end Principal Eric conferred with his mechanic and it turns out gas was boiling on the converter??? Something easily remedied.
Weather Report from the KuskokwimToday...Sunny. Highs zero to 15 above...warmest along the coast. North winds to 20 mph.
Tonight...Clear skies. Lows 10 below to 10 above...coldest inland. North wind 10 to 25 mph. Wind chills 20 below to 35 below after midnight.
Wednesday...Sunny. Highs zero to 25 above...warmest along the coast. north wind 10 to 25 mph. Wind chills 20 below to 35 below in the morning.
Wednesday Night...Clear skies. Lows 5 below to 15 above... Coldest inland. North wind 10 to 25 mph. Wind chills 20 below to 35 below after midnight.
Thursday...Mostly sunny. Highs zero to 20 above...warmest along the coast. north wind 10 to 25 mph. Wind chills 20 below to 35 below in the morning.
Thursday Night...Partly cloudy. Lows zero to 10 above.
Friday...Partly cloudy. Highs 10 to 15.
WEATHER PERMITTINGWay up in Alaska wherever you are,If you're headed out close or you're headed out far,
And you're going by plane you can add (and it's fitting)
I'll be there good buddies... weather permitting.It could really careless what you're planning on doing,An operation, oration, a wedding or wooing,
When you go to the airport you may need your knitting,For you'll only be flying with... weather permitting.I have fretted and stewed I have stamped on the floor,
I have shouted and screamed and started to roar,
But there's no use in fuming or fussing or snitting,
You'll always face this... it's weather permitting.
So don't get disheartened in the far golden North,If you suffer delay as you sally forth.Just learn to relax without fretting or quitting,You can depend on one thing...it's just weather permitting.When the rich folks all come with their clothing so fine,
With their high fashion wardrobes and special french wine.They'll stop for a while then continue their flitting,
Go on with their jet setting...weather permitting.And whether you're working or playing around,Flying through mountains or over the sound,In what kind of season your travels are are hitting,I will guarantee this...weather permitting.
And it gets in you're blood then whenever you go,
So I said to my sweetie, how I love you so,
She said I adore you, come close where I'm sitting,And I'll do what you want me to...weather permitting.
And when the grim reaper comes I can see it all clear,
I'm alone in my shroud happy heaven is near,
I'm coming Saint Peter! This old world I'm quitting,
I'll be along soon...Weather Permitting.~Anonymous
This poem is posted in a frame at the Haagland Air Company in Bethel and well, with all the time I spent there yesterday waiting on weather hold to get back to Quin after a fun weekend in Anchorage, I wrote it down to share with you all. In asking around about who might have wrote this fine specimen of rhyming art, the general consensus amongst staff was that over 10 years ago a high school class from one of the nearby schools put this together and gave it to Haagland to proudly display on its walls for the enjoyment of waylaid travelers. Rest assured many a frequent bush flyer has laughed their head off and nodded in miserable approval:)
My friend Karen shared with me her 8 year old daughter's translation of the temperature gauge reading in their truck this afternoon, "Mom, Look it's take away 9 outside!"
So as I watched the Anchorage News tonight the temp in Bethel was currently 'take away 36'! Brrr!
"God made two big lights, the larger to take charge of Day, The smaller to be in charge of Night; and he made the stars. God placed them in the heavenly sky to light up Earth And oversee Day and Night, to separate light and dark.
God saw that it was good.
It was evening, it was morning— Day Four." Genesis 1:16