The tradition of the toast hearkens back to 17th century England, when the health or success of a new venture was christened by a drink of wine with a piece of toast submerged in it. Over time, we've dispensed with the actual toasted bread, but the intent remains the same.
(Above Megan with Graduate Terrilyn, R. Megan speaking to Tim Debilt's Journalism Class) Megan enthusiastically agreed and arrived 'in village' Friday morning. She spoke to the journalism classes, toured the school and village, visiting with kids and staff alike.
(Above Boys doing hair, Girls doing hair) She even entertained us by fully participating in Prom complete with dressing to the nines (thanks to everyone in Nebraska and Wisconsin sending us all those dresses and suits, the kids looked stunning), hair do-ing, (which was a blast!
from 3pm until 8 pm and I tell you what, I have a whole new respect for hairdressers on their feet all day) dancing, dining and toasting with sparkling apple cider ("To an awesome prom!" "To the graduates!" "To great salmon run!" " To winning our first basketball game in 14 years!" "To the Hootons who will be dearly missed!" " To Megan Baldino!" Einar chimed in!).
Kapuuk that's the Yupik word for 'greens'. I was invited to hope in a boat and head upriver with my friends John Teddy, Pauline Hunter and family. We left today around noon. Ice went out on the Kanektok last week so we cruised up 10 miles or so. It was rejuvenating to be back on the water after months and months and months lol, of winter.So anyway we parked to boats, trekked across the once again squishy, spongy tundra following John Teddy, to some lakes where we began digging up and picking 'Kapuuk'. We everyone has a garbage bag full we tromped back to the river had a picnic and zoomed home. The girls all stopped by for hot chocolate, I'm gonna miss them this summer. Rumor has it the fishermen will be coming back as early as next week (go figure) to get the guide services back up and running for the summer 2010 season.
Shout Out To: All Graduates! Congratulations!
You turned my wailing into dancing;
you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,
that my heart may sing to you and not be silent.
O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever.
Psalm 30: 10-12
Atta boy Matt!!