"Voyage upon life's sea. To yourself be true. And whatever this life maybe, paddle your own canoe." Sarah Bolton
Took this pic tonight when Steph and I walked our pack of dogs...Marley, Bela and Ani down to the beach
on the Bering Sea. It is about a mile walk from teacher housing. The tide was out as you can see. This afternoon all of us girls in the
neighborhood went for a jog down to the beach too and the tide was in! Water lapping the shore, we don't get to see it very often as it comes rolling in when we are at school. The sunset tonight was beautiful. Today it was hide and seek sunshine, blue sky and clouds so Jim took us "up the river"! Now this is a real treat in Quinhagak. One can only get "up the river" with a boat obviously not everyone has that luxury.
Steph and Jim however as a celebration of their 6th year in the bush decided it was time to deservedly invest in a nice jet motor. With our principal and his wife's (Eric and Sherry) gun boat they have an honest to goodness river worthy watercraft! So with Jim manning the ship, we were off, jetting along the
ever changing depths, waving at the outfitters busy loading up their newest clientele to haul to the various 'fish camps' along the river,
waving at the locals collecting wood for steam houses and fishing. Yes, this afternoon we crossed over, hair blowing in the breeze joining the "up the river" caravan of boats, soaking up the sun on the Kanektok. It's not an easy river to navigate, sandbars change almost daily, places that had water are suddenly beaches and great stop off spots you visited last week no longer
exist, submersed. I give anyone who gets in front of a motor and sacrifices them self as captain all the credit in the world.
Unfortunately we were skunked in the fish department and managed only to collect a few low bush cranberries that aren't quite ripe yet (which I ate before we even got back to the landing). I thought trip and experience were priceless! The jet wasn't running the way Jim had hoped, he has plans to work out the kinks tomorrow with some of the guys. It has been a nice weekend. After our first week at school and the expected overwhelming sensation that comes along with it, a warm mellow tundra time has been appreciated. Everyone got together Friday night for one of the teacher's daughter's 1st birthday. Fun to have the whole staff together. Reminded me of a family reunion or Christmas or something. I love how everyone here helps each other out and shares life. A good time.
"...I can't tell you how much I long for you to enter this wide-open, spacious life. We didn't fence you in. The smallness you feel comes from within you. Your lives aren't small, but you're living them in a small way. I'm speaking as plainly as I can and with great affection. Open up your lives. Live openly and expansively!" 2 Corinthians 6:11-13
What beautiful pictures. It sounds like you are enjoying your new family... SO RELIEVED they're taking great care of you!!! By the way, the Bible verse is great; I will use it, and live it!