"This is not homesickness. This is more than homesickness. I'm facing serious personality meltdown. Joel Fleischman, the Jewish doctor from New York.
You take that away and who am I? What am I?"
"Well, Fleischman, just forgetting a few subway stops..."
"This is just the tip of the iceberg. Don't you understand? It's like 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers.' I'm being replaced by some insidious replicant, a Joel Fleischman look-alike that talks about crop rotation and carburators. I've got to stop it before it's too late."
- Joel to Maggie

Well the extra 400 people in the village will be heading out tomorrow and Tuesday.

It has been so fun to meet and see new people and catch up with friends the last few days. That is also one of the benefits for everyone who makes it out this way for the grand annual event! Family and friends all together celebrating God. It's good. And you just never who you might meet.
Last night our little singing group practiced over here at my house then spent the night so they could all get "ready for church together in the morning". They slept in the tent, the 'new' old chair, on the couch and in the spare bedroom (aka Mike's room lol). Molly didn't last the whole night homesickness set in as activities wound down.

Go figure, I had a heck of a time trying to get ahold of Mom and Dad to come rescue her around 1 AM. Due to the high number of people in village there was also a high volume of cell phone usage. You see, our little circut board up here can barely handle the normal number of calls in our village and with the added roamers it went into meltdown mode. Thankfully one of our desperate text messages got through. Within minutes Mom and Dad knocked on the door to save the day. My heart went out to the little thing, I myself was a middle-of-the-night-caller-homer, I can see my cousin Randi rolling her eyes even now.

Homesickness is no fun whether you are 4000 miles away
(ahem) or right across the street. Frankly, the only true remedy is undoubtedly:
Home. There was some transference going on, not gonna lie, as I handed Molly off into the arms of her parents I couldn't help but smile, knowing she would soon be snuggled in her own bed loved ones nearby with all the familiar surroundings that make home,
Home. Somehow in that moment I felt closer to
Home too. The other 3 finally fell asleep but were up and chirping at dawn.

We made blueberry pancakes served with homemade maple syrup sent to me by my friend Donna back home at LCO, for breakfast. It was so yummy, I could taste the smoke from the fire at sugar bush camp that boils the sap down into the sweet brown syrup. Miigwech Donna. A taste of Wisconsin in a jar;) I was instructed to be their waitress while they (my customers) ordered at my restaurant. Now that is one role I can definitely play no acting needed, let's here it for all you waitresses out there in the world (and waiters). What a job, seriously, it makes me tired thinking about it, I might actually need a nap now. Anyway the menu was limited this morning, short stack or full were their only options:) With bellies full of blueberries we headed off to church. After several other groups sang, it was our turn, Mac played guitar while we belted out "Get in Line Brother". Then Pastor Larry preached an excellent message.
Went for a jog/walk down to the beach and across the wet tundra this afternoon. The sun is out again. I don't wanna waste perfectly good vitamin D.
P.S. The verdict is in. I definitely like seal meat, at least marinaded in teriake and fried with mushrooms and onions. Yum. Maybe kind of like bear meat?
Shout Out To: My other bigger than me little brother Joshie who is THE BIG 3-0!!!!! On April 29th! "Have a Happy 30th Birthday JOSHUA MAC!! That's an order straight from the Power Pig;)" Enjoy Phoenix and Vegas. A word of advice don't pack your ulu knife in your carry on! Go crash a few bumper cars, climb a wall or two, shoot a wild pig and a coyote, run up a mountain, go sky diving with the flying Elvises, make a wish or two, say a prayer or two and thank God for making you cause we all are! Let's take a stroll down memory lane shall we, hum??? A few shots of Joshie's 29th year...there go your 20s....WATCH OUT!!!!! ZOOM!!!!...did ya see 'em???? Hey just think of it this way, a year of life is like one lap around the Brainard Speedway, you just keep gaining speed therefore you must keep getting better and better!
Oh, and ladies...he's single;) I'm biased but he is a gem, the real deal girls, an amazing guy. I'm so blessed to have such a truly wonderful brother:) He's my favorite
middle brother;)
Sam's my favorite baby brother;) Sam you'd have gotten an in depth bio too if you were turning 30, but your not, so you had to share with Mum as usual. Jesus loves you and so do we! Happy Birthday!

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer. And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort."
2 Corinthians 1:3-7