Monday, March 29, 2010

He's BAAAAaaaaaaack...Mike, The Return

"The rhythm of the weekend, with its birth, its planned gaieties, and its announced end, followed the rhythm of life and was a substitute for it."
~F. Scott Fitzgerald

What a treat it was to attend the 2010 Cama-i Dance Festival in Bethel while also attending our last district first year teacher in service. Majority of us are coming back, that was fun to find out. We saw 'Eskimo' dancers from all over Alaska! Groups hailing from Anchorage, St.Paul's Island, Scammon Bay to Bethel and our surrounding villages. Cama-i is the largest festival in the Delta Region.
It is an annual huge celebration and a time for families and friends to get together in Bethel. There is an amazing art and craft fair as part of it as well. Mike met us at the district office Friday night upon his arrival back in the Yukon Delta Region! We all stayed with our dear friend Anya and another teacher Paul, stayed with us as well. Here are some pics of the weekend.
To all my Wisconsin friends, the AC Store (Bethel's closest thing to Walmart or any larger grocery store for that matter)had Jack Links on the shelves made in Minong which is just a stone's throw away from Hayward. Here's the proof, it was $8.93 per package, small package.

Kids were over first thing last night when we landed and right after school today. Thank you Robyn who sent up a package of goodies including the play dough, crayons, coloring books and easter eggs (we'll have to have an easter egg hunt this week sometime). The play dough is a hit. You can see them molding it on my kitchen floor this afternoon with Mike.

Beyond that I am exhausted today. Obviously I didn't get enough sleep this weekend though it doesn't appear that way. Thanks to Anya sneaking this napping photo opp. Think I could sleep through tomorrow given the opportunity.

Hope this greets all of you out there having had a successful Monday! Enjoy remembering this Passion Week.

"The promise of "arrival" and "rest" is still there for God's people." Hebrews 4:9

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