"Be well, do good work, and keep in touch."
~Garrison Keillor
Well, my first year teaching in rural Alaska has come to an end. Ani hates his kennel and has probably chewed it to pieces as I type, he's 'practicing' being in it. Hey like my new paint job? I painted the house this weekend so we can return in August to a cozy remodeled-ish place. So after calling Quin home since August 1st, 2009, the day I thought I'd made a huge mistake (just one of the many times I've been wrong, I was homesick to say the least), to today as I shed tears handing over my keys, take a last look at my little neighborhood, and shut my door on this first year. We are headed south ...2 bags, 1kennel, a girl and her dog. Ironically or rather fittingly my little brother, Josh, is coming back up to Anchorage to work for the summer again like last summer when I started this blog. He is going to pick me up at the airport just like a bookend to last August when my brothers dropped me off that fateful morning (I had no idea what would be in store). Also my dear friend Geri has graciously agreed to fly up and keep me company on the drive home! She promised she would last year when I was leaving and it is already here! I can't wait to have a few fun days in Anchorage before we make the long trek 'south' to what many 'downstates' consider '
up north', lol, in that case it's all relative, it would seem. 3000 + miles worth of catching up on life, what a blessing! Gonna miss Quinhagak, Alaska and all my friends here. But Lord willing, we will meet again in August. Come on down to Wisconsin if you get the whim:) Before I get too choked up I should tell you all the facts...a great cloud of fog has settled on our little village this morning and it hasn't cleared yet no planes in or out at this point...so will I be leaving on a prop plane????
Either Kevin (our speech path/chef extraordinaire/and today the hamburger flipping king) or Chuck here, is going to hate me but....I simply couldn't resist, the similarities between the two were uncanny, te, he, he, he.... Have a fun summer boys!

Shout Out To: My cousin Randi! Happy Birthday and to think I used to be jealous that you were 2 years older! LOL;)
"After saying good-by to each other, we went aboard the ship (plane), and they returned home." Acts 21:6